
In 1994 I was working as a Christian counselor for a halfway house which brought 40 Cubans out every 3 months from prison. I had months earlier checked out a book from the library about the Dead Sea scrolls and after reading it my interest peaked.  And I wanted to learn everything there was to know about them. Since I work the third shift from 12 to 8 a.m. I had the days off and was able to visit local seminaries and find any articles that were published by scholars on the Dead Sea scrolls. I spent three years copying every article that has been written and studied them I became not only familiar with the scrolls themselves but with the scholars and people who were presenting them from the day they were discovered in 1947, until they were stored in the Shrine of the Book in Israel. As far as the articles went most were excellent and well presented, occasionally you came across one that was preposterous, deviating from any given norm. A history of the scholars could be and has been subject of many books. There were 7 scrolls found in cave 1.